Chapter Activity Report
Anything done by the chapter should be reported as an activity. Attendance at events because of job or purely social events should not be reported.
Chapters are encouraged to submit activities as activities take place and not wait. It’s highly recommended that chapters include CARs in their EXCOM meetings to ensure they are correctly reported and that chapters receive credit for the activities.
When CARs are received, they are reviewed and awarded points. Just so you know, remarks must explain the time, money, and hours required to put on an event. These remarks are used to determine whether an event is minor (little planning/effort), average (some planning/effort), or significant (detailed planning/major effort).
How do I submit a card? You can select an option below.
1. AUSA National Website - Make sure you are logged in first (for guidance on how to log in, click here), then go to the Chapter Activity Reports section.
2. Download PDF Form - Download the CAR Form (click here), complete it, and return it to or for processing.